Tuesday, November 19, 2013

YMCA Fit Kids

Exercise is important for us adults, but it is also important for kids. The YMCA has a great exercise class just for them. It's called Fit Kids and is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. My crew and I decided to check it out today after our regular Tuesday swim.

There were 16 kids in the class (remember that our presence adds 7 of those). Though the official age range is 7-13, there were kids as young as 4 there, and all participated well.

The first 10 minutes was devoted to stretching and then we moved on to aerobic exercise. I figured the moment you stop moving is the moment you start dying, so I exercised, too. This gave motivation to my older children (older kids try to be 'grown up' and stop exercising). We bear walked, and crab walked, leg lifted, and hopped. It was fun.

Then we played ball games and relay races where everyone and every team was a winner for participating. Teamwork and movement was the goal, and there was plenty of both.

Overall, we enjoyed our time, and the younger children have asked to go back. Now, I'm going to go ice my knee.


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