Saturday, December 21, 2013

Dry Ice: #6 Warm vs. Cold Water

This is the sixth segment in a series on dry ice experiments. CLICK HERE FOR SAFETY INFORMATION.

This experiment used two large beakers (we used extra large glasses) and a good supply of cold and warm water.

We filled a glass with cold water and placed a chuck of dry ice in it. Immediately, large bubbles rose to the surface. The water looked like it was boiling. The glass began to mist, to 'smoke' and 'fog.'

Very cool.

The water helped the children visualize the sublimation of the carbon dioxide (the boiling effect). The gas left the glass and being cooler than the air around it, caused water in the air to condense and form clouds of vapor.

The children passed the glass around and giggled and waved their hands through the clouds.

Then I pulled out the warm water.

This time when I dropped the piece of dry ice in, it splooshed and splattered and splashed all over the table. Huge clouds of vapor billowed over the table. It was amazing.

This gave us the opportunity to discuss independent and dependent variables.

Independent variable: Temperature

Dependent variable: Splooshiness

If I had had older students, I would have had them discuss and debate the role of heat. Is it a catalyst?

In the video below, you can easily see the effects of putting dry ice into cold and warm water. In our experiments, the differences were even more dramatic.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, where in the world did you get dry ice? Is this something that can be sent through the mail? I wouldn't think so. Maybe there is a scientist in the family?

    Nicely done Mama!

    Thanks so much for sharing this on the #homeschoollinkup

